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02-17-2019, 10:57 PM
The Club
I think these are making a comeback!
you know the steering wheel locking (CLUB)
that you place on your steering wheel to
prevent the car from being driven off.
old school steering lock yes. But what about
if you want to go out and start your car
and come back in and finish your coffee.
or just stay warm inside till the car warms up?
We use one all the time when we have a rental car
because who know's who else may have a key
to our rental?
Old School Yes.......No App for that Yes....
Just a metal locking Bar that YOU have the key to
that says.....next car not this one:D

02-19-2019, 10:15 AM
I used to have to put those things on drunks cars after the court would rule on the case. When we stopped doing that I threw probably 50 of them in the dumpster.....brand new ones with the keys still in the lock.

02-19-2019, 01:21 PM
People today think it's too (old school) for them
but between the intrest in classic cars (with no steering lock)
and the electronic key fob
where you just sit in the car and push the button on the dash
(stuff that Can be hacked.) they are making a comeback.
Good to hear from you! hope the weather is good where you are.
We have had allot a snow here..... more than usual.
Where is this dumpster:D

02-20-2019, 09:19 AM
I was just thinking about these when I read online yet another pickup and trailer being stolen from a hotel parking lot. The Club might help prevent that, although the steering wheel can be cut. The anti-theft device I thought was even more cleaver was a similar unit that locked behind the brake pedal to keep someone from driving off with your vehicle.