Special Service Mustang.net Forums

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ImEvil1 02-04-2018 03:58 PM

FB discussion
Yesterday I activated a discussion group on Facebook called SSP Mustang.NET. At the top of that page, in a pinned post, is a link to our site here for members there who aren’t familiar with it, explaining what’s here in our forums. I still plan on being active and posting here, and I know others will as well. I just felt like our site needed a presence over there and a way to help out new restorers who were being fed misinformation from various other groups. One person from our new group there has already registered here, so I think it will be beneficial for everyone. If you haven’t seen it and joined, please stop by and have a look. For those that prefer not to participate there, we’ll still be seeing you here.

kapracing 02-04-2018 11:52 PM

I think it’s a great idea and support you 100%...

28HopUp 02-05-2018 12:20 AM

Facebook has killed a few forums but I don't think it will affect us. As you said, it could expand our presence. I am still amazed at some of the uninformed posts about SSP Mustangs on FB, so I hope the new page helps with that.

We still need to stay active on the forum to keep it relevant, so keep up with the post folks. :)

Andy 02-28-2018 10:45 PM

Reel to reel tape players killed music records
CD's killed tape players and on and on
and Face book has taken it's toll here and
on other forums. I am not on Face book
and will never be. App for this App
for that, That's not me.
Seems the over seas Based forums are more old
I sometimes post things here that i think
would be of interest but Nothing?
I would usually check here once or twice a day
but I may soon go to once or twice a week.
Mike you have done a terrific job putting this
site together and i thank you.

ImEvil1 03-02-2018 12:28 AM

Thanks RS. The membership count here is still rising, so I think we're still good. I'm trying to change with the times; yet keep the old medium relevant. We've definitely outlasted some other sites, so we must be doing something right. It's people like you and others on the site that have been here from the start...that make it what it is. I thank you for that.

28HopUp 03-02-2018 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by ImEvil1 (Post 56395)
Thanks RS. The membership count here is still rising, so I think we're still good. I'm trying to change with the times; yet keep the old medium relevant. We've definitely outlasted some other sites, so we must be doing something right. It's people like you and others on the site that have been here from the start...that make it what it is. I thank you for that.

I agree! We have great members; new and old.

Forum activity is dependent upon the members. My personal situation does not allow me to post here as often as before, but I visit and comment as much as possible. I hope others will continue to check in and contribute. If we do, then this website will be around for a long time.

Steve 03-24-2018 02:47 PM

I Hate Facebook
It isn't anything to do with the latest dustup in the news about data mining. Frankly, I don't see why people are so upset about that. It is and was a data mine from the beginning. That fact isn't even newsworthy imo.

But I hate it because it has a horrendous user interface. Cluttered with garbage, feeds, useless things (to me). Do I want or need to get my "news" from FB? LOL...Difficult to navigate (unless you spend too much time there and are used to it), I worry about clicking on the wrong thing and sending unintended messages, invites or other to lists of people I don't want to friend or communicate with, or i don't even really know. I'm not a technophobe or a Luddite; I'm an Engineer and I'm all about tech: when and where it makes sense and is useful.

I'm on LinkedIn just because at least it has a professional orientation, but I'm starting to get fed up with that one too because it is getting more and more like FB every day it seems. Cluttered interface, constant connection requests from people I don't know, incessant emails about nonsense, etc.

I deleted my minimal FB acct (deactivated, since they never go away) in 2011 and I have been struggling with the idea of reactivating it just to access the SSP Mustangs page. I have been hoping that the FB page does not diminish interest and activity in this Forum and is one more reason why I have not joined it. I will continue to support, access, and contribute to this forum as long as it exists. I hope more SSP hobbyists will do the same.

Did I mention I hate FB? If FB somehow died...I wouldn't shed even a single tear...

Andy 03-25-2018 03:46 PM

Hi Steve
I have always enjoyed reading your post's
and have especially enjoyed this one. I really
have no idea why anyone would want to tell
total strangers about their day to day business?
nose to nose is different on the phone
is somewhat different?
I am retired from a career (good guys) wink wink
that would find out things by means of electronic
surveillance ... again (the good guys)
With that said (enough said) Too many bad people
are out and about monitoring these tell all sites.
Mike .....again Thank you for starting this site!
Bill ......thank you for keeping it going (responding to users post's)
Steve ..... thank you for bringing up this FB stuff!
I know i operate in old school mode
and it is by design.
Take care All!
Again Thanks!

Steve 03-27-2018 05:03 PM

Thanks, Andy I think we are on the same page about this. I'm still in LE and have been warned many times about Social Media and agency policies regarding its use. So I keep a minimal profile and put absolutely nothing about LE on my LinkedIn acct. And stay away from FB, Twitter, ad nauseum.

And I agree about putting personal information about someone and their family out there for anyone to see. Why? And now they're outraged?

28HopUp 03-28-2018 08:00 PM

Good discussion, gentlemen.

Steve 04-28-2019 01:03 PM

FB Update
1 Attachment(s)
I finally bit the bullet and decided to get on the FB version of this forum. Because I do want to stay current with events and activities and most of the activity is there. But I don't want my data used, sold, etc. so I created a FB acct using the name Dahui Zonggao. Dahui is an 85 yo Buddhist Monk living in the Jokhtang Monastery in Lhasa, Tibet. After so many years of meditating and praying all day, Dahui was starting to, frankly, get bored. He picked up a DVD of the CHiPs TV series at a pagoda (yard) sale, and upon viewing it, saw an SSP Mustang and was hooked. He's now restoring a 1982 SSP at the monastery, using space in a warehouse for old statues and artifacts. He's a little stressed about the possibility of getting paint overspray on a Buddha statue, which of course would mean big trouble, so he's proceeding slow and careful and it has taken a long time to get the body and paint done, longer than he would prefer.
I do use my real name in posts and have posted a 0255 photo in the profile background so everyone who knows me from here will immediately know who it really is.
Meanwhile, Dahui is enjoying his new window into the world of social media. Dahui's profile photo is below.

MOstang 05-01-2019 09:24 PM

Haha I noticed you posting on some sites. Love the post above.

Steve 05-09-2019 06:23 PM

Well, I hoped the fake profile would insulate me from the data mining but I guess not. Today I started up my PC and as soon as I opened a browser all sorts of ads popped up for Buddhist paraphanalia! And the emails? Now I'm getting unsolicited emails from Russian Women "looking for Buddhist boyfriends" (I hope no one thinks I'm "colluding" with them, lol). And an email from one woman that says right in the subject line "Stop Sending me Your Photos!" I know Dahui would never do such a thing! Then there's the Nigerian barrister who is trying to give Dahui money, millions...doesn't the Nigerian realize Dahui has taken a vow of poverty? All Dahui needs for money is enough to finish restoring his SSP. The Jokhtang Monastery provides food and shelter and everything else he needs. I'd like to find some way to get rid of all these distractions at once...tell these jaspers to leave Dahui alone, just let him pray and meditate and finish his SSP!

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