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Old 04-26-2011, 01:00 AM
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Rhino Rhino is offline
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Originally Posted by ImEvil1 View Post
I think we need to be careful calling out cars via the internet. You certainly know more about the WSP cars than I do (and many others here), but could other agencies have used the same tree? Odds are that you are correct, but lets not let the new VIN info influence how we document the cars.
Mike, you are right - and without seeing the actual buck tag calling out WSP, I should likely withhold comment.

1. The WSP custom made their own equipment trees in-house, and to-date I have never seen another agency that used a similar mounting point/cut out like that on the center console.
2. The screw holes and quarter sized hole in the dash (from what I can see in the pic) is consistent with the WSP setup for the custom made switch panel that mounted to the dash.
3. I can see the plug for the quarter panel low band antenna on the driver's rear - consistent with WSP's placement.
4. I can see the screw holes (faintly) on the firewall for where the WSP would have mounted the relays and fuse panel for the lightbar and gear.

Even given all that - you are's "likely" a WSP car. But without seeing some kind of proof - it's just that....speculation.

Still...kind of cool to see a possible WSP car out in Georgia. Sure looks like it's seen better days.
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