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Old 06-26-2011, 01:04 AM
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NoDrama43 NoDrama43 is offline
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Originally Posted by m200pilot View Post
Holy crap!! 4 blips of a siren, and two toots of an air horn... Scandalous!!

Well Jim, you pompous jerk... Would it surprise you to learn that a couple of the show organizers at the registration area asked us to "light 'em up", and "make some noise"? Of course it would. Because you didn't ask, did you? You just get on a forum, play the e-thug, and act like you're the enforcer of some kind of SSP etiquette that exists only in that narrow mind of yours.

We broke no laws and violated no rules. They're our cars, and we will do with them as we please. If you don't like it... tough titties!! Feel free to avail yourself of our state's ample highway system, and leave.

If you have something to say about what we've done, Jim, be a man, and tell us to our faces -- if you have the temerity to do so. You'll be able to find me easily on Sunday. I doubt you will, though. You had plenty of opportunity to do that on Saturday, but you ran and hid behind the security blanket of the internet, and the protection of your like-minded, e-thugging "friends".

If I don't see you before you leave (no shock there), then pretty-please, with sugar on top... GO F#$% YOURSELF.

Peace out, Brand-X!!!
LOL..... now there is a whole lot of testosterone filled lunacy.....
I am not going to waste more than 1 minute responding to your insanity.
Just grow a set and quit acting like a fool with your police car, and if you don't like what you read here don't come here.

or.... don't start no s*#t and you won't splash any on yourself ??????

ok....times up.

for the first time since 1998 there is only two left:

1984 Oregon SP unmarked
1986 Idaho SP
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