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Old 09-17-2007, 06:57 PM
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ImEvil1 ImEvil1 is offline
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Originally Posted by DJP55 View Post
I write this..not as a member or Moderator of any SSP Mustang Forum...but as an active SSP Hobbyist....:
I have been pretty active in the SSP Mustang hobby for several years now. Longer than some...not as long as many. At times I have become VERY frustrated at what occurs on the SSP Message Boards, with members and the hobby. I consider myself a pretty simple person, with simplistic views on life, very open to new ideas and opinions and generally out-going. I am no expert at SSP history. In fact..I'm no expert at many things. I enjoy what I have chosen for a career and strive to find the positive in people and everything I do. I love the SSP hobby, have met many fine people and will help who I can...when I can. I believe the comments I will make are on behalf of the majority of members and participants in this hobby. I talked with and e-mailed many before putting this together.

Members need to keep personal attacks...either directly or via innuendo to themselves...or at the least in PM.s...NOT posts on the Board. I am interested in SSP's and the hobby.....not those whom you choose to like or dislike...and why. Nor am I interested in e-mails or PM's about whom you like or dislike and why. I am big enough, and old enough to decide for myself....Thank You..! Degrading comments about people, their cars and the like have no place here. I take as much pride in my cars as the next person. I would never tell someone what they should wear. So why would anyone tell someone unsolicitated what is wrong with their SSP, how exact...or in-exact it may be...unless they asked directly. While I may not agree with it, if someone modify's an is disappointing...but it is their is their car after all. Yes, we may suggest that they might want to join a Board that is more toward racing Mustang's...than restoring and preserving SSP's...but to attack them...way out of line.

Brutal attacks on peoples character in a Forum is unprofessional. Take the issue to a PM, an e-mail or phone call, etc...if you must to that individual if you believe they have done something ...but don't drag us all into your world... I have no interest in negative rumor, opinions and hearsay about those on this Board you dislike, things out of context, etc.

Those professing to be the 'experts', sources of definitive SSP information or know it all's...need not apply. It also seems those who are so nit-picky neither have a completely restored SSP nor show it if they do. Those looking for fellowship, help, information to give and share...come on in. Those who participate in ...or promote...or condone the negativity that goes on, the uppity attitudes, incessant rantings about what or whom you don't like...well...frankly you are turning off many, many of us. Myself included.

We are a small group. We collectively can do much for the hobby, our cars and gaining public acceptance and interest in them. In Birmingham we had about 22 SSP's..out of 1200 Mustangs...I'll give us a rounding to 2% of the Mustangs there. Bottom line...there ain't many of us..!!! So why do we want to alienate people. When we are at shows...lets give a positive image of SSP owners'....and our group. Whether you are a .NET or .ORG member...or both...YOU represent the hobby. Whether you are a member, a Moderator, a site Owner...YOU represent the hobby.

I belong to .ORG... .NET, Emergency Vehicle Owners and Operators..EVOOA, Mustang Club of America and Mustang Club of New England...and have met great people and made friends at all these venues. I am a PROUD member of each group. And have sponsored several of them.

It is time to STOP....before we self destruct our hobby...!!!

It is time to STOP..... before SSP owners look like idiots to the Mustang world...!!!

Its is time to STOP.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....because we are brewing a recipe for disaster.!!!

Both sides, both groups...and members.....just get on with having FUN..

Frankly..this is a wake up call to all's about the CARS...the MUSTANG's..the SSP's..NOT about personal vendetta's, charater assasination or as such...


David J. Philipkoski



I have always appreciated your participation in this hobby, and your attempts at fostering camaraderie amongst the members. I'm not sure where some of the shots in your post are coming from, but I'll participate briefly.

Mike R. deleted Jim's post. Had it been a post on something car related, Jim probably wouldn't have really cared. It wasn't. It was a post related to the DEATH of a law enforcement officer, and Jim used the word ASSHOLE to describe the suspect that was being sought. Jim, just like many other LEOs on these boards, took great offense that the post was deleted. Mike should have left the post alone, instead of letting a personal difference between himself and Jim bring him to deleting it. Plain and simple.

Also, there haven't been any "brutal" attacks on anyone here, or their "character". The webmaster at, Mike R., wrote that he was a LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER (LEO) in his profile, as his occupation, on the website That statement is not conjecture, rumor, or an attempt to injure or "assassinate" anyone's character. I saw it (after someone emailed me about it), and so did many others here and elsewhere. If he didn't want anyone to see it, he shouldn't have posted it. When confronted about it, he promptly changed it, and said he was "just playing around". It's not something that anyone who is in LE work takes lightly, and Mike should know better. BTW...this occurred several months ago, so it isn't like any of this is recent info anyway.

We do not have these types of issues on .net, and I assure you that we will not tolerate them in the future, either.

I'm all for everyone getting along and playing nicely, also. It's always been about the cars.....


'82 SSP (Marketing Order)
'83 Colorado State Patrol #202
'83 Texas DPS
'85 Florida Highway Patrol #1422
'93 Florida Highway Patrol #1187
'93 Florida Highway Patrol #1363