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Old 09-04-2014, 02:22 AM
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John10608 John10608 is offline
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Location: Oregon Coast
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Being a retired CHP officer, and knowing that the offices usually kept a patrol car for about 2 - 3 years ( tops ) depending on the area office and miles driven of course, the 2 - 89 Caprices were older most likely almost run out units. That office is in the process of replacing the caprices with the new 92 CV's. ( going on 3 years if not 3 years for the caprices )

The 92 " newer " Ford CV tells me that the CV is a new unit to that office since they have 2 older units still in service in this photo.
The 90/91 CV LTD were boxy square pieces of junk. I hated them.

So, that tells me this photo was taken most likely in 1992. So that SSP is most likely a 91, a good possibly it's a 92. But I would bet it's a 91 SSP.
It could have came in at the same time the CV did replacing 2 units.

Just my guess and thoughts on the picture is all. I am not saying for sure I am correct. Just trying to answer Jason's question with a small amount of accuracy. lol

1992 CHP #E895201
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