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Old 09-14-2011, 07:31 AM
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As you can see in the previous Marti Report on Jim Young's 1982 SSP, the option is worded as Special Service Package, not Severe Service Package. This is getting interesting since it conflicts with the general opinion of many. However, it is not a smoking gun in my opinion because the "proof" is a report published by a 3rd party. I'm not taking anything away from the great folks at Marti, but it would be so much better if we could find some original Ford paperwork that supports what Marti stated in their report. If only...

Well, that information DOES exist! Marti also sells the Eminger Invoice for certain cars where the factory paperwork had been saved. The buyer must prove that he/she is the owner of that specific car in order to receive the original Ford document. In addition, many of the invoices are missing. Until now, no Eminger Invoices had been found on any 1982 SSP Mustangs.

With the help of FoxChassis from FEP, we have been compiling a list of VIN's where batches of 5.0L notchbacks are known. Larger DSO orders would be grouped together, and we have been asking owners of SSP's to send us information for our on-going VIN Research Project where we can document actual SSP's that fall within that VIN range.

In terms of the 1982's, we know the VIN range of 400 cars. Collectively, we all agreed that Kevin would have a better chance of success if we asked him to look within a broad range of numbers instead of a specific car. So I approached Kevin Marti with a proposal - Since I do not own a 1982 SSP, would it be possible for me to buy a PDF copy of an Eminger Invoice on a SSP contained within the range of 400 VIN's? Kevin agreed, and was able to find an Eminger Invoice on a 1982 SSP. Kevin still retains that original Eminger Invoice, but he sold me a picture copy of the two page Ford document, which I am VERY happy to share (with Kevin's permission) with all of you here:

Page 2 confirms with 100% certainty that the CHP in 1982 bought Special Service Package Mustangs, not Severe Service Package cars. Although this news won't restore peace to far off lands or solve the world's problems, it does re-write SSP history a bit.

And the research continues as well. We have recently been discussing the 1982 CHP hatchback Mustangs, to determine if they were Special Service Package cars or not. Through our research we have determined through the known VIN range and Deluxe Marti Report that there were likely only four hatchbacks used by the CHP (not five). The question comes as to whether or not these four cars were included in the 400 Mustangs bought by the CHP in 1982, or were they in addition to the 400 Mustangs? We hope to determine an answer to that question soon, knowing all too well that we may not be able to conclusively know for sure either way.
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